Preparing for Your Marriage Green Card Interview

So, you’ve reached the final stage of the marriage green card process – the interview. This crucial step is scheduled by either U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) if you and your spouse live in the United States or by the National Visa Center (NVC) if you reside abroad. While the interview may still be some time away, being prepared can make all the difference on the big day. Not sure if you are eligible for a green card based on marriage, and if you are, where to schedule it? Contact us and we can help you figure it out. 

Understanding the Interview’s Purpose

Whether your interview is held in the United States or abroad, the primary objective of the interviewing officer is to determine the authenticity of your marriage. They want to ensure it’s a genuine union and not based on fraud. Expect questions that delve into various aspects of your relationship, daily life as a married couple, and your future plans together.

Common Marriage Green Card Interview Questions

While you can’t predict every question the interviewing officer will ask, here are some typical questions often encountered, categorized for your convenience:


  • How did you two meet?
  • Where did some of your initial dates take place?
  • When did you move in together? 
  • How long did you date before deciding to marry?
  • What’s the story behind your marriage proposal?


  • Can you describe your wedding?
  • Who brought the wedding bands? 
  • Who attended the ceremony?
  • What was served at the reception?
  • Were there any special rituals or customs?
  • Did you go on a honeymoon? If so, where?


  • What is a typical day like for you and your spouse at home?
  • When was the last time you two had a day off together, and what did you do on that day? 
  • What did you do on [last recent holiday Valentines day/memorial day/labor day]
  • How often do you communicate when you’re apart?
  • Who enjoys cooking? Who handles cleaning?
  • Who drove to this interview? 
  • What did you eat last night before coming here today? 


  • How do your children commute to school?
  • Who are their friends?
  • What are their favorite foods?
  • What is your spouses’ mothers name? 


  • Which side of the bed do you sleep on?
  • Describe your usual pajamas.
  • Are there any medications your spouse takes?
  • What day of the week does your spouse have off work? 


  • When is your spouses birthday? 
  • What gifts have you exchanged?
  • What’s your most significant household holiday, and where do you typically celebrate it?

Tips for a Successful Interview

Here are some tips to help you excel during your green card interview:

1. Be Honest and Open: Approach the interview as an opportunity to let the officer into your life as a couple. Don’t feel pressured to portray a perfect marriage – everyone has their ups and downs.

2. Speak Your Mind: If a question feels too personal or uncomfortable, you can politely decline to answer. Most officers understand.

3. Practice: Rehearse potential questions, especially if one of you tends to forget details. Practice can reduce anxiety and boost your confidence.

4. Have Fun:  While honesty is crucial, don’t forget to relax and enjoy the process. It’s a chance to reminisce and ensure your spouse knows your favorite breakfast!
